This is a skin condition which is really important because it affects young people. Acne can effect you in many ways. Some people struggle with depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. This can be stressful after months of trying various creams and treatments.
Typically a young person will come to my clinic with a mother or a friend for advice about effective skin care treatments. Controlling acne and acne scarring can be a complex task. Let's briefly mention the underlying causes and triggers of Acne to simplify the journey to clear skin.

We know that a delicate balance of sebum production forms a protective barrier to the skin. When this acid skin barrier of PH 5.6 is disrupted the skin can become sensitive and inflamed. Excessive sebum can be triggered by hormones, diet, stress, drugs and steroids, contraceptives and alcohol.
A high-sugar diet and carbohydrates can increase the production of bad testosterone which triggers the production of sebum called DHT. This creates a perfect medium for acne, as bacteria become trapped in the skin pores along with excessive skin sebum and dead cells. This inflammation process leads to acne. There are many different types of acne, blackheads, whiteheads, papular inflammatory acne and large cystic acne.
So let's talk about the way to clear skin.
Try yoga, meditation, exercise and talk to a school counsellor or see your GP. When we stress we create natural steroids which cause acne.
Eat well
Reduce sugars and simple carbohydrates, alcohol, fruit juice, soft drinks and high GI carbohydrates. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruit which are rich in antioxidants, and fish for omega 3 and protein. Drink plenty of water and green tea. Eat raw nuts and seeds for zinc, selenium and healthy fats.
What about dairy?
Daily dairy is important for daily calcium and strong teeth and bones, particularly in growing young people. There are some concerns that cow's milk and lactose can increase the severity of acne. If that is the case you might need to eliminate cow's milk from your diet. It is important to see a nutritionist to discuss an alternative diet and supplemental calcium.
Over-the-counter supplements for acne
Many advertisements claim they are cures. This can be a very expensive routine.
If you have a balanced diet and eat well you probably do not need any supplements. Your food should be your natural 'supplemental medicine' rich in zinc, vitamins A, B C E, omega fatty acids, selenium, probiotics and protein.
Call (02) 4861 6611 to book your consultation with Dr Rohde for your skin and acne treatment plan.
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